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A FAQ For Admins and Mods

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2018 7:46 am
by speed24601
I messaged Marlokk while watching Monster Squad and asked if there were a way to figure out some responsibilities of different tiers of users of the channel. I'm newly green and don't want to screw up anything, so I'm looking for a place for info on how to use the site given my level of responsibility. Which buttons do what, can I change the playlist, can I mute people, etc? I like this channel, and I don't want to overstep my boundaries. An organized FAQ could be a good thing. Just a thought. You guys tell me what you think.

Re: A FAQ For Admins and Mods/Janitors

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2018 2:23 pm
by GetThe50
I was the same way when I was a green. You should be able to hover over the button and it should tell you what the button does. You can definitely mute people as a mod. As for playlist stuff, you can add stuff but you can't delete stuff iirc.

In short be cool, be chill and if you have any questions PM an admin.

Re: A FAQ For Admins and Mods/Janitors

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2021 6:17 am
by marlokk
Alright here's some guidelines on how to keep Sleepsnug snug. Feel free to comment or pm me any feedbacks or questions.

1.) Sleepsnug is horror first, so keep the content you add horror related in some way. IRL horror such as documenting clown world is fine.

2.) Put effort into vetting what you add, especially if you're queueing many things in a row. Classics tend to be the best draw for the channel.

3.) Not everyone shares your music taste so hold yourself from adding music videos in most cases. Again horror/clown world related is okay.

4.) No cartoons or anime.

5.) Respect your fellow mods when you want to add/move things in the playlist. When in doubt just make a fair poll to find consensus for what to play next.

6.) Sleepsnug has a lot of regulars but don't turn it into a circlejerk clique. Be open to new users (unless they're communist/reddit/spamming).

7.) When you want to play a specific video, Queue Next so you aren't jumping/skipping across the playlist. This way everything gets cycled through evenly.

8.) Try not to go overboard adding a ton of intermission/bumper videos between shows and movies. You can always just wait for the next.

9.) If you are queueing a raw video mp4 link, try to remember to title it by pressing arrow key in the URL field which will reveal another field. Otherwise you can make a poll with the title of the movie so people know what's playing.