How does one live without snug?

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Joined: Sat Dec 25, 2021 5:46 am

How does one live without snug?

Post by GreasyJungle »

I mean most nights it is just staple to toss it on the side and enjoy whatever is on.

Making "snugbumps" has given me a creative outlet I've longed for, sharing my town and chill spots with you all in between movies means a lot to me.

Posting movie Trivia has also helped me learn a ton of actors/directors and interesting tidbits I'd never even bother to look up myself if I weren't in the presence of everyone else.

It's only been an hour since I couldn't connect to the channel/cytube itself and it really makes me wonder what life would be like if we permanently lost Snug (though I am sure it would always find a place to live on).

Watching cable tv alone just isn't the same. not one bit.
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